Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

WP Tracy


Tracy is an excellent PHP debugger bar from Nette PHP framework.
WP Tracy is simple implementation and integration of Tracy into WordPress (for test environment).
When it’s activated, it automatically shows Tracy bar and displays within global WP constants and their values.
It’s great for local(host) development.
Simple setup is available in the Administration Tools menu and some constants are in the code.

Snimke zaslona

  • (WP) Tracy bar auto-display after plugin activation
  • Tracy exception screen
  • WP versions constants
  • WP (Logged) User information
  • (global) WP Post information
  • (global) WP Query information
  • (global) WP DB information
  • Simple setup in the administration Tools menu


  1. Upload the wp-tracy folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WP Tracy plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. You can optionally change default settings in the administration Tools menu.
  4. Profit!
  5. You can optionally define some constants in the code:
    5.3 WP_TRACY_ONLY_FOR_USER_ID – some (existing) user ID (as number)
    5.4 WP_TRACY_ENABLE_MODE – detect/development/production

There is also a special constant WP_TRACY_PROGRAMMATICALLY_DISABLED that allows you to uninitialized the plugin from the code. For example, It is used for a console. However it must be defined before plugins loaded.


What is Tracy?

Tracy is debugger bar and useful PHP library and helper for a everyday programmer’s use.

What is WP Tracy?

It is Tracy integration into the WP, including system information (global variables) of WordPress.

Is WP Tracy active in the production environment?

By default not, but it depends on the settings.

Has WP Tracy the visual settings?

Yes, there is a simple setup in the administration Tools menu.

Can I change default settings?

Yes, you can define constants in the code – but they must be defined in the action init with priority 1.

  3. WP_TRACY_ONLY_FOR_USER_ID – some (existing) user ID (as number)
  4. WP_TRACY_ENABLE_MODE – detect/development/production

There is also a special constant WP_TRACY_PROGRAMMATICALLY_DISABLED that allows you to uninitialized the plugin from the code. For example, It is used for a console. However it must be defined before plugins loaded.

What information / panels are displayed?

The following panels are visible by default (if they are available):

  • WP
  • WP User
  • WP Post
  • WP Query
  • WP Queried Object
  • WP Db
  • WP Roles
  • WP Rewrite
  • WP Current Screen
Can I change the panel order or add my own?

Yes, you can define the wp_tracy_panels_filter, where you can modify the panels array.


24. siječnja 2018.
I used first the slim fw, but very usefull on wp! 🙂 Great job!
08. prosinca 2016.
But i need set easily COLLAPSE or COLLAPSE_COUNT. Thx 🙂
03. rujna 2016.
Thx you for implement best Nette tool for development
03. rujna 2016.
Very easy to install, see all important variable for develop. Say bay bay to print_r($post) and others similary things.
Pročitajte svih 6 recenzija

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Dnevnik promjena


  • Added constant WP_TRACY_PROGRAMMATICALLY_DISABLED check (before initialization)


  • Simple setup page in the administration Tools menu with Czech translation
  • New constants in the code for default values and behavior
  • Update for Tracy 2.5
  • Two new panels for $wp_roles and $current_screen


  • Initialization is now in scope of WP init action
  • Added WP_TRACY_ENABLE_MODE and wp_tracy_panels_filter
  • Update for Tracy 2.4.2


  • Update for Tracy 2.4(.1)


  • Added new get_queried_object() based panel
  • Update Tracy 2.3.8


  • Update Tracy 2.3.7


  • DOING_AJAX check – for IE compatibility WordPress media upload, thanks to @ViliamKopecky
  • Added constants for translation of error messages
  • Removed Nice Name parameter from User panel


  • The first version of plugin including (Nette) Tracy 2.3.5