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wp-Typography Disable ACF Integration


Disables wp-Typographys ( built-in Advanced Custom Fields ( integration.

wp-Typography Compatibility

This plugin is compatible with wp-Typography version 3.6.0 and later.

Do I need this plugin?

If you’re using ACF and wp-Typography and want to disable the automatic integration between them this plugin does it. If you’re not using ACF or wp-Typography this plugin is useless.


  1. Download the latest release of this plugin as a zip here:
  2. Upload the plugin through the ‘Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin’ menu in WordPress
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  1. Download the latest release of this plugin as a zip here:
  2. Upload the plugin through the ‘Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin’ menu in WordPress
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


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Dnevnik promjena


  • Improved readme.


  • Inital release.