Fansee Blog
Ova tema nije ažurirana preko 2 godine. Postoji mogućnost da se više ne održava ili ima podršku, i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim inačicama WordPressa.
Fansee Blog is a clean and beautifully designed Free WordPress theme created for blogging purpose. It is fully responsive and retina ready and is sure to make your website stand out from the crowd. If allows you to create different type of blogs easily, from business blogs to international oriented ones to even fashion blogs. With minimal design, the major impact and attention are given to the content and the media files you display. If you are someone who loves sharing your experience or write about things you love, this theme is SEO friendly. This makes sure that your website ranks up higher on search engines reaching out to more audience scale. Create a flawless platform to share your contents and impress anyone who lands on the site only with Fansee Blog.
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