Real Estate Lite
Ova tema nije ažurirana preko 2 godine. Postoji mogućnost da se više ne održava ili ima podršku, i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim inačicama WordPressa.
A complete WordPress Real Estate Solution for real estate agents and real estate brokers. Real Estate WordPress theme can also be used for building WordPress sites for small businesses like accountants, consultants and others. It supports the following front page sections: Featured header image with intro and additional buttons, services section, about us, blog and a contact section. This WordPress real estate theme comes complete with customisation options that include, custom logo, custom header, colors, typography, front page sections (header,about us, services, contact us, blog). The PRO addon plugin adds the full real estate solution with actual properties and agents, property slider, property feature/amenities. Give it a go today, click on the “theme homepage” link above.
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