With this plugin you can easily customize WordPress admin panel, login page, admin menu, admin bar etc. in tiny details.
- ADMIN BAR: Hide or change admin bar items. Remove WordPress traces from the admin bar. Brand it with the custom colors.
- ADMIN MENU: Change and remove the existing and add custom admin menu items. Brand it with the custom colors.
- BOJANICA: Ovaj dodatak je sastavni dio AG Custom Admin dodatka i može se koristiti za promjenu postojećih boja unutar WordPress admin panela, admin trake, stranice za prijavu, pozadine i teksta.
- BRENDIRANJE: Brendirajte admin panel sa sopstvenim sadržajem, bojama, slikama i tekstom.
- ADMIN PANEL OPCIJE: Postoje deseci ostalih admin panel opcija koje mogu biti korištene za poboljšanje WordPress admin panel izgleda na admin ili stranici za logiranje poput dodataka kontrolne ploče, WordPress logo-a, veza, menija i sl. Pogledajte cijelu listu ispod:
Cusmin is the premium version of the Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin with the advanced features for customization and branding. It’s perfect for professionals, but can be also used on personal sites as well.Please check how this pro plugin can help you to completely customize your WordPress dashboard.
Opće postavke
- Hide Screen Options menu
- Hide Help menu
- Hide Color scheme on Profile page
Postavke admin trake
- Sakrij admin traku
- Show Log out button only if admin bar is completely hidden
- Hide admin bar on site pages only
- Replace WordPress logo with custom branding image
- Promijeni vezu na logu admin trake
- Dodavanje sopstvenom formata naslova na admin stranicama (change => tag)
- Dodavanje brending slike u zaglavlju admin panela
- Sakrij WordPress logo
- Sakrij ime bloga
- Sakrij padajući meni na logu admin trake
- Sakrij obavijesti
- Hide Comments block
- Hide New menu block
- Hide New > Post
- Hide New > Link
- Hide New > Page
- Hide New > User
- Hide New > Media
- Promijeni ime sajta u tekst po želji
- Sakrij žutu traku sa obavijestima o WordPress ažuriranju
- Sakrij Kako si, tekst
- Promijeni tekst dugmeta za izlaz
- Remove Edit My Profile option from context menu
- Show Log Out button only on the right
Opcije admin podnožja
- Sakrij podnožje
- Promijeni/sakrij tekst podnožja
- Promijeni/sakrij tekst inačice WordPress-a
Opcije kontrolne ploče
- Promijeni tekst na naslova kontrolne ploče
- Dodaj sopstveni HTML sadržaj na kontrolnoj ploči
- Sakrij dodatke na kontrolnoj ploči
Opcije stranice za prijavu
- Sakrij natrag na blog tekst
- Promijeni tekst Natrag na blog
- Promijeni sliku na stranici za prijavu
- Promijeni vezu na slici stranice za prijavu
- Sakrij sliku na stranici za prijavu
- Zaokruži ivice na boksu stranice za prijavu
- Sakrije dugmad za registraciju i zaboravljenu šifru
- Promjeni vezu na dugmetu za registraciju
Opcije admin menija
- Promijeni ime meni i pod-meni stavki
- Sakrij meni i pod-meni stavke
- Dodaj novu dugmad sa željenim vezama
- Sakrij ikonice sa admin meni dugmadi
- Ukloni separatore unutar admin menija
- Sakrij strelicu na admin meniju
- Zaokruži ivice na stavkama admin pod-menija
- Remove Collapse button
- Dodaj sliku iznad admin menija
- Dodaj sopstvenu vezu na sliku
- Podesi opcije auto-sužavanja admin menija
- Promijeni boju pozadine i teksta na admin i stranici za prijavu
- Promijeni boje admin menija
- Promijeni boje na dodacima kontrolne ploče
- Dodaj moj CSS
- Dodaj moju JavaScript
- Export/import customizations settings
If you need even more advanced customization options, please check our PRO WordPress customizing plugin.
For any additional help, please check our FAQ and SUPPORT page.
Snimke zaslona
Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin provides many options for admin panel customization, and it’s quite easy to use Admin menu editor and additional settings Some of the admin bar settings AGCA Bojanica settings WordPress Dashboard footer change text Add your own styles and JavaScript code Style Example #1 Style Example #2 Style Example #3 Style Example #4 Login style example Login page can be customized and styled with custom branding logo or image, rounded borders, background colors Custom Admin menu items Custom login page example
- Upload
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
- Navigate to plugin’s settings page: Tools => AGCA
Vidim greške na stranici, šta da radim?
Please follow these steps:
* Open the browser’s console and try to find JavaScript errors.
* Check if you can locate the plugin that throws errors, if so, try disabling that plugin and contacting their support.
* Try disabling plugins one-by-one to see when this problem occurs. If you can’t access login page, please temporary disable JavaScript in your browser and refresh the page.
* Try updating WordPress core and plugins
* If problem still persists, please contact the support -
The plugin does not work after upgrading. What should I do?
Make sure you have the latest WordPress version installed. If nothing of these solutions help, please contact support.
Koristim stariju inačicu WordPress-a, da li još uvijek mogu koristiti ovaj dodatak?
It’s highly recommended to update WordPress to the latest, since attackers target especially older versions of WP,
but yes, you can still use AGCA, if the latest version doesn’t work for you, you can install an older version of AGCA.
You can check the Development tab on WordPress.org AGCA’s page to see which AGCA version supports your version of WordPress. -
I don’t see customizations on login page
jQuery is probably not loaded on the login page, or you have some JavaScript error on this page. Please open the browser’s console and see what are the errors.
Customizations are not applying
If you’re an administrator, please make sure that ‘Exclude AGCA admin’ is not checked on AGCA > General tab. Please also check that you don’t have any JavaScript errors in the browser’s console.
Please use Reset Settings button on Admin Menu page to reset menu configuration to defaults. Make sure to use latest plugin version with latest patches.
Neke funkcionalnosti ne rade
If you have the latest WordPress and plugin versions, and you still experience some issues, please contact us and report the issue.
How can I report security bugs?
You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.
Suradnici i Programeri
“AGCA – Custom Dashboard & Login Page” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
Suradnici“AGCA – Custom Dashboard & Login Page” je preveden na 4 jezika. Zahvala prevoditeljima za njihov doprinos.
Prevedite “AGCA – Custom Dashboard & Login Page” na svoj jezik.
Zainteresirani ste za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- Removed outdated session-related code
- Fixed issue with wrong character in title by default
- Security improvement
- Fixed bug with Welcome box not dismissing
- Fixed bug with Welcome to WordPress showing on login page over logo