Tražite li moderan, robustan i sofisticirani softver za društvenu mrežu? BuddyPress je skup komponenti koje su srodne tipičnoj društvenoj mreži, i omogućuje dodavanje mogućnosti kroz ekstenzivni WordPress sistem dodataka.
BuddyPress je fokusiran na jednostavnost integracije, upotrebe i proširivosti. Namjerno je moćan alata i u isto vrijeme nevjerojatno jednostavan softver za društvene mreže, izgrađen od strane WordPress volontera.
Omogućite registriranim članovima da kreiraju profile, vode privatne razgovore, kreiraju veze, kreiraju i sudjeluju u grupama i još puno toga. Doista društvena mreža iz kutije, BuddyPress vam pomaže da lakše izgradite dom za vašu tvrtku, školu, sportski tim, ili neku drugu zajednicu.
Built with developers in mind
BuddyPress helps site builders & developers add community features to their websites. It comes with a robust theme compatibility API that does its best to make every BuddyPress content page look and feel right with just about any WordPress theme. You will likely need to adjust some styling on your own to make everything look pristine.
BuddyPress themes are just WordPress themes with additional templates, and with a little work, you could easily create your own, too! A handful of BuddyPress-specific themes are readily available for download from WordPress.org, and lots more are available from third-party theme authors.
BuddyPress also comes with built-in support for Akismet and bbPress, two very popular and very powerful WordPress plugins. If you’re using either, visit their settings pages and ensure everything is configured to your liking.
The BuddyPress Add-ons
WordPress.org is home to some amazing Add-ons for BuddyPress, including:
NB: BP Classic is a backwards compatibility Add-on for BuddyPress 12.0 and up bringing back the BP Legacy URL parser, the BP Default theme and BP Legacy widgets.
Go to BuddyPress profile on WordPress.org to find them all!
Join our community
If you’re interested in contributing to BuddyPress, we’d love to have you. Head over to the BuddyPress Documentation site to find out how you can pitch in.
BuddyPress is available in many languages thanks to the volunteer efforts of individuals all around the world. Check out our translations page on the BuddyPress Documentation site for more details. If you are a polyglot, please consider helping translate BuddyPress into your language.
Growing the BuddyPress community means better software for everyone!
Snimke zaslona
Ovaj dodatak omogućava 15 blokova.
- Login Form Show a Log In form to logged-out visitors, and a Log Out link to those who are logged in.
- Primary navigation Displays BuddyPress primary nav in the sidebar of your site. Make sure to use it as the first widget of the sidebar and only once.
- Dynamic Groups List A dynamic list of recently active, popular, newest, or alphabetical groups.
- Groups BuddyPress Groups.
- Group BuddyPress Group.
- Dynamic Members List A dynamic list of recently active, popular, and newest members.
- Members BuddyPress Members.
- Recently Active Members Profile photos of recently active members.
- Online Members Profile photos of online users.
- Member BuddyPress Member.
- Sitewide Notices Display Sitewide Notices posted by the site administrator.
- Recent Networkwide Posts A list of recently published posts from across your network.
- Embed an activity Add a block that displays the activity content pulled from this or other community sites.
- Latest Activities Display the latest updates of the post author (when used into a page or post), of the displayed user (when viewing their profile) or of your community.
- Friends List A dynamic list of recently active, popular, and newest friends of the post author (when used into a page or post) or of the displayed member (when used in a widgetized area). If author/member data is not available the block is not displayed.
To run BuddyPress, we recommend your host supports:
- PHP version 7.4 or greater.
- MySQL version 5.7 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.4 or greater.
- HTTPS support
Note: If you are in a legacy environment where you only have older PHP or MySQL versions, WordPress also works with PHP 5.6.20+ and MySQL 5.0+, but these versions have reached official End Of Life and as such may expose your site to security vulnerabilities.
Automatic installation
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles everything itself. To do an automatic install of BuddyPress, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type “BuddyPress” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found it, you can view details about the latest release, such as community reviews, ratings, and description. Install BuddyPress by simply pressing “Install Now”.
Jednom aktiviran:
- Visit ‘Settings > BuddyPress > Components’ and adjust the active components to match your community (you can always toggle these later).
- Posjetite ‘Postavke > BuddyPress > Stranice’ i podesite vaše direktorije i specijalne stranice. Nekoliko njih se automatski kreira, ali predlažemo da ih prilagodite kako bi se uklapali u kontekst vaše web stranice.
- Posjetite ‘Postavke > BuddyPress > Postavke’ i prilagodite BuddyPress postavke svojim željama. Odabrali smo najčešću konfiguraciju kao zadanu, ali svaka zajednica je drugačija.
Mogu li koristiti postojeću WordPress temu?
Da! BuddyPress je potpuno funkcionalan čim se instalira sa skoro svakom WordPress temom.
Hoće li ovo raditi na WordPress multisite?
Da! Ako vaša WordPress instalacija ima uključen multisite, BuddyPress će podržati globalno praćenje blogova, objava, komentara, čak i custom post tipova, sa malo prilagođenog koda.
BuddyPress može biti aktiviran i raditi u bilo kojem opsegu kojeg vi trebate.
- Aktivirajte samo na nivou web stranice kako bi se BuddyPress učitao samo na toj web stranici.
- Aktivirajte na mrežnom nivou za punu integraciju sa svima web stranicama u vašoj mreži. (Ovo je najčešća vrsta multisite instalacije.)
- Omogućite multiblog mode kako bi dozvolili BuddyPress sadržaju da se prikaže na bilo kojoj web stranici u vašoj WordPress Multisite mreži, koristeći iste centralne podatke.
- Proširite BuddyPress sa multi-network dodacima od trećih strana kako bi dozvolili svakoj web stranici ili mreži da ima izoliranu i namjensku zajednicu, sve iz iste WordPress instalacije.
Read custom BuddyPress activations for more information.
Gdje mogu dobiti podršku?
Naša zajednica pruža besplatnu podršku na https://buddypress.org/support/.
Gdje mogu pronaći dokumentaciju?
Naš codex možete pronaći na https://codex.buddypress.org/.
Gdje mogu prijaviti grešku?
Prijavite greške, predložite ideje i sudjelujte u razvoju na https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org.
Gdje mogu pronaći bleeding edge inačicu BuddyPressa?
Preuzmite development trunk BuddyPressa sa Subversiona https://buddypress.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/, ili klonirajte sa gita git://buddypress.git.wordpress.org/.
Tko pravi BuddyPress?
BuddyPress is free software, built by an international community of volunteers. Some contributors to BuddyPress are employed by companies that use BuddyPress, while others are consultants who offer BuddyPress-related services for hire. No one is paid by the BuddyPress project for his or her contributions.
If you would like to provide monetary support to BuddyPress, please consider a donation to the WordPress Foundation, or ask your favorite contributor how they prefer to have their efforts rewarded.
Forumi za razgovor
Isprobajte bbPress.Integrira se sa BuddyPress grupama, profilima i obavijestima. Svaka grupa na vašoj web stranici može izabrati da ima svoj forum, i teme, odgovori, favoriti i pretplate svakog korisnika se prikazuju u njihovim profilima.
Suradnici i Programeri
“BuddyPress” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
Suradnici“BuddyPress” je prijeveden na 47 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
Prevedite “BuddyPress” na svoj jezik.
Zainteresirani ste za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-14-1-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-14-0-0/
Security fix: The Members block was vulnerable to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting. Discovered by Wesley (wcraft) from the Wordfence organization.
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-5-1/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-5-0/
Security fix: The dynamic Members, dynamic Friends & dynamic Groups blocks were vulnerable to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting. Discovered by Wesley (wcraft) from the Wordfence organization.
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-4-1/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-4-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-3-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-2-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-1-1/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-12-0-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-11-4-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-11-3-2/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-11-3-1/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-11-2-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-11-1-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-11-0-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-6-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-5-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-4-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-3-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-2-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-1-0/
See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-0-0/