Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Custom Fields Spreadsheet


A WordPress plugin which gives you all of your custom fields in a single, customizable spreadsheet view. This is useful to quickly gather information about your pages. Some pages might have been uploaded by your users or maybe you want to keep statistical information on your pages. It’s up to you how you use it!

Snimke zaslona

  • Screenshot taken of all first level pages and their meta values
  • Screenshot of a child page query and their meta values


  1. Navigate to your plugins page under the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click ‘Add New’
  3. Click ‘Upload Plugin’ at the top of the screen
  4. ‘Choose File’ and upload the plugin’s .zip file
  5. If the upload was successful then it will give you an option for ‘Activate Plugin’


Pročitajte 1 recenziju

Suradnici i Programeri

“Custom Fields Spreadsheet” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


Dnevnik promjena


  • UI improvements
  • UX improvements
  • HandsonTable 0.15.0
  • Search by post title


  • Plugin Created