Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.



Generate QR Code by shortcode. Inline base64 SVG image. No extra image file generated. Local generator, no need online Google service.


Use [qrcode]Example string[/qrcode] to generate the QR Code.

Use [qrcode size=10 margin=5]Example string[/qrcode] to set size/margin. Default size=3, margin=3.


  • Inline SVG base64 format QR Code
  • No extra image src request
  • No local image file generation required
  • Local generator


16. rujna 2022.
Honestly, it sucks to use in WordPress. It has no settings. The app doesn’t request costs associated when you download it from WP, nor does it have a Pro Plan or Upgrade link that assumes to the user there is a cost associated… aaaand will shut down use if it isn’t paid for. My client is furious. Millions of dollars rides on this client and simply hinges on a QR code not working when he attended a conference, printed huge amounts of collateral at cost, a website and other outputs, only to have the QR Code app kick back and shows the end users that a cost is due for the app in WP. Amateur af. I’m hoping that the developers will get this back up and running for our website immediately. As is, this plugin only supports a short-code embed with no other options in WP. Doesn’t request costs to prevent it from shutting down on your project. Otherwise, I’d be happy. Who cares about paying for it if it works great. It’s the lack of transparency to the user in WP that really makes it worthless. It has potential, but not for WP currently.
17. svibnja 2021.
Es un plugin muy facil de usar, es gratis y es el mejor que he visto para generar codigos QR
Pročitajte sve 2 recenzije

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“QRCode” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


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Dnevnik promjena

1.2.1 – Aug 31 2019

  • Updated WP supported version.

1.2 – Sep 3 2019

  • [Core] Renamed to QRCode.

1.1 – Aug 24 2019

  • [New] Support Margin.

1.0 – Aug 20 2019

  • 🎉 Initial Release.