A small plugin which allows you to use shortcodes as the attribute of other shortcode, shortcode inside shortcode, dynamic shortcode.
How to use
Use this shortcode to make dynamic shortcodes
[dy_shortcode sc=”” at=””][/dy_shortcode]
For example making a gallery with dynamic id by another shortcode
[gallery id=””] [custom id=”123″]
Final dynamic shortcode merged
[dy_shortcode sc=”gallery” at=”id”][custom id=”123″][/dy_shortcode]
Only 1 attribute can be dynamic, use comma (,) for multiple shortcode entries
[dy_shortcode sc=”gallery” at=”id”][custom id=”123″],[custom id=”321″],[custom id=”231″][/dy_shortcode]
All other static attributes can be placed on the final shortcode
[dy_shortcode sc=”gallery” at=”id” size=”medium” background=”white”][custom id=”123″][/dy_shortcode]
Install automatically through the ‘Plugins’, ‘Add New’ menu in WordPress, or upload the ‘dynamic-shortcode’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
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