Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Easy Pull Quotes


This plugin allows you to easily create pull quotes in your posts by adding a button to the post editor. As an added bonus, pull quotes can be easily shared to Twitter by the end user by clicking the Twitter icon.

You’ve got 3 options for pull quotes, full-width, right-aligned, or left-aligned. Easy Pull Quotes will take on the styles and font sizes from your theme. Plus be on the lookout for customizer options coming soon!

Snimke zaslona

  • The Easy Pull Quotes button is added to the Post Editor upon installation.
  • After clicking the Easy Pull Quotes button you’ll get a nice popup to enter your quote.
  • The various layouts of Easy Pull Quotes.


Ovaj odlomak opisuje kako instalirati dodatak i i kako ga natjerati da radi.


  1. Upload easy-pull-quotes.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktivirajte dodatak kroz izbornik ‘Dodaci’ u WordPressu
  3. Place <?php do_action('plugin_name_hook'); ?> in your templates


How do I add a pull quote?

Just select the Easy Pull Quotes button on the post editor. Insert some text. Select your alignment. Press ok.

But what if I want to be difficult and not do that?

Well you could manually enter the shortcode. It takes 1 attribute ‘align’ which can take 1 of 3 arguments ‘align-left’, ‘align-right’, and, you guessed it, ‘align-center’.

[epq-quote align="align-right"]Bleep bloop blorp[/epq-quote]
Can I edit the styles of the pull quote?

Sure! You’ll just have to use CSS. Right now the class .epq-pull-quote-default contains the styling for the pull quote. If you want to edit the Twitter icon that can be done with .epq-twitter. But be warned the icon is using the proper Twitter brand standard colors.

Anything else I need to know?

Not really. The plugin is pretty simple.


21. kolovoza 2018.
I really like this plugin, its modern and simple. I was having a few problems with the css and Jason helped me very quick. Now I can use this plugin as I wanted to – thanks very much Jason!
19. prosinca 2017.
I was creating a new Blog series template for our website and our writer wanted to use pull out quotations in the article. Our back-end was not set up to do this, so I set out on a hunt for plugins. After testing 8 different plugins and not finding what I wanted, I finally found Easy Pull Quotes which did exactly what I wanted. I had a few questions on Custom CSS code edits to make the Pull Outs pop more off the page and utilize color, contrast, and depth. Jason Yingling the creator of the plugin was Amazing to work with! He responded very quickly and offered me snippets of CSS code to work with which enabled a great end result. I would very highly recommend both this plugin and the creator to anyone looking to make their website even more engaging and catch the visitor’s attention! Thank you again Jason for the great plugin and incredible service and help!
28. studenoga 2017. 1 odgovor
It is a shame not more people know about this plugin, as it is a shame that it has not been updated in a long time. The plugin works almost perfectly: quotes look nice, unlike other similar plugins that box the quote in a way you may not like. Unfortunately the plugin is designed for the old Twitter of 140 characters but it is easy to find the function truncate in the editor and swap the 100 limit for 240 (so that it works with the 280 Twitter new limit). In addition, it is possible to easily change the attributes of the css in the plugin twitter but beware: you may need to reload a few times and purge the cache to see the changes. It does not get the 5 stars because it has no sharing option for facebook and the limit has not been updated recently, but nevertheless it is the best pull quote plugin I have found for Wordpress.
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Dnevnik promjena


  • Fixing a bug with urlencoding caused by WordPress encoding HTML entities
    in the editor. Example, & would be encoded as & in the editor then encoded
    as %26amp%3B in the Twitter url insteald of just %26.


  • Better encoding for characters used in Twitter urls


  • Switching to only load when Easy Pull Quotes is used in a post


  • The initial plugin