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EZ current date


This plugin will show your current month and year, also you have the option select to show only the Month or only the Year;
by default if you place [date] it will show you the current month and year, if you want just MONTH example:[date year=”n”] this shortcodee will show it just the current MONTH) | example if you want to show just the YEAR example [date = month=”n”] (it will show just the current year)

Enjoy the plugin made with love from Los Angeles CA

Snimke zaslona

  • shows how it is when is installed
  • result
  • how place the shortcode
  • how it comes


Download and activate the plugin, and place the shortcode [date] into the post or page, it works with elementor and divi also.

by default if you place [date] it will show you the current month and year;
* if you want just MONTH example: [date year=”n”] this shortcodee will show it just the current MONTH)

  • if you want to show just the YEAR example [date month=”n”] (it will show just the current year)


how use it?

well just copy the shortcode [date] and paste where you show the current date


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Suradnici i Programeri

“EZ current date” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


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Dnevnik promjena


  • First public release