Force all posts by users without Editor or higher role to be private.
This plugin allows you to give your post writers the ability to create and publish posts on your site that are only visible to
the author, and to editors/admins, by forcing all their posts to be private.
- Anyone who does not have the ‘edit_private_posts’ capability can only post private posts
- Limit all posts, or only newly added posts
- (Optional) Also force a post to have a specific category when posted
- Editors, admins and Super admins (who do have the ‘edit_private_posts’) can see all posts, and switch them from private to public if required.
- No Configuration!
- Just Activate!
This is my first publicly released plugin… so I hope you like it. Let me know if you find any bugs!
- Unzip and upload the
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Configure settings via Settings > ForcePrivate
- Where’s all the questions?
There aren’t any! No one has asked any yet!
Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.
Suradnici i Programeri
“ForcePrivate” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
SuradniciPrevedite “ForcePrivate” na svoj jezik.
Zainteresirani ste za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- Fixed: Bug where not all posts would get processed correctly
- Added: Options page
- Added: Option to only force NEW posts to private
- Added: Option to also force posts to be assigned specific categories
- Initial release