It is customizes the plugins page:
- Show a plugins icons
- Displays the changelog in the update notification
- The plugin list also displays logos and icons if the plugin is loaded via GIT. The update notification for these plug-ins is reduced so as not to distract attention from updating other plug-ins.
- Adds sorting of plugins on the fly: Active first/Not active at first
- In WordPress 5.5+ changes the Auto-update column to small neat checkboxes
- The “Delete” plugin link is now active for activated plugins. It allows you to immediately deactivate and delete the plugin.
Snimke zaslona
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
If I accidentally deactivated and removed the plugin
Deleted plugins cannot be restored. However, most plugins do not remove their settings, so you can reinstall it
18. travnja 2021.
2 odgovora
Требую продолжения банкета
04. rujna 2020.
Very Good – Thanks!
28. svibnja 2020.
It helps a lot during testing
22. svibnja 2020.
It works great! Thanks for creating this
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Dnevnik promjena
- Compatibility with WP 6.5
- Change plugin name
- Fix: Shows error, when plugin icon is empty
- Fix: The plugins changelog was displayed in full, instead of displaying only the latest version
- Add: Multisite support
- Fix: Error on frontend
- The plugin is rewritten using a WT Plugin Template
- Added a settings page where you can manage all the functions of the plugin.
- Added icons for plugins that are not in the WordPress repository
- Added the display of the GIT repository branch (slightly slows down the loading of the plugins page)
- Fixed removal of activated plugins with one button. Now there are no fatal errors
- Compatibility WP 5.8
- Rename the plugin from “Plugins Manager” to “WP Plugins Page Customize”
- In WordPress 5.5+ changes the Auto-update column to small neat checkboxes
- Add settings page
- Show changelog in update notices
- Fix bug after upload plugin
- Fix git icon
- Add icon if the plugin is loaded via GIT
- Performance has been improved.
- Added sorting of plugins
- Fixed “Check all” doesn’t work
- Fixed white screen on plugins page
- [NEW] To the list of plugins added the column with a plugin icon.
- The “Deactivate and delete” link has been replaced with “Delete”
- Temporarily hide settings page
- Up version
- First release.