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Ultimate CSS Gradient Maker


This plugin uses CSS gradients to create a beautiful background to whatever content you want. After you create and customize your gradient, simply wrap the content in the shortcode for your gradient, and thats it!

On the customize or create gradient screen, there will be a section called “Shortcode” which displays insructions. It will give an example of how to use the shortcode.

All you do is type [ucgm p=123]Then add content you want to have wrapped in a shortcode, then close the tags, like this: [/ucgm]

Replace “123” with your gradient ID, which will be displayed in the same “Shortcode” section.


Install this plugin just as you would any other plugin. Either download from “Plugins” -> “Add New”, which handles installation, or download from, and unzip the folder and insert the unzipped folder into /wp-content/plugins.


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Suradnici i Programeri

“Ultimate CSS Gradient Maker” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


Dnevnik promjena

1.0 Initial Commit