This plugin allows you to display images attached to a post or page as a Bootstrap Carousel using the [carousel] shortcode.
As a bonus, this plugin can transform post listings generated by the Display Posts Shortcode plugin (version 2.2.1 or higher) into a Bootstrap Carousel slideshow.
Twitter Bootstrap was designed and built by @mdo and @fat.
Minimum Requirements
- WordPress 3.6 or nicer
Automatic installation
Log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and use the search form to search for this plugin. Click Install and WordPress will automatically complete the installation.
Manual installation
- Download the plugin to your computer and unzip it
- Use an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, to upload the unzipped plugin folder to the plugin directory of your WordPress installation.
- Log in to your WordPress admin panel and activate the plugin from the Plugins menu.
- Where can I find documentation?
Check out the wiki section on Github.
- Where can I report bugs or request new features?
Bugs related to the WP Bootstrap Carousel plugin can be reported on the WordPress support forums or, preferably, on GitHub.
Idem for feature requests.
- Can I contribute?
Checkout and contribute to the plugin source code on GitHub.
- Can I add translations?
Please submit a pull request on GitHub.
Suradnici i Programeri
“WP Bootstrap Carousel” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
0.5.0 – 22/12/2014
- update JS and CSS to Bootstrap 3.3.1
- improves accessibility
- adds keyboard navigation support
- adds basic styling for Twenty Fifteen
- miscellaneous code tweaks
0.4.0 – 06/11/2014
- abandons usage of $content_width global
- optimizes script loading
- attachment caption (excerpt) now default
- comments link now hidden by default
- handles DPS carousels in RSS feed
- resolves issue with DPS title attr
- miscellaneous tweaks and improvements
- added .pot file
- plugin source code documented
- requires WP 3.6+
0.3.0 – 12/10/2014
- update JS and CSS to Bootstrap 3.2.0
- make carousel responsive
- allow img attachment queries with DPS addon
- allow unwrapping of images with unwrap shortcode attribute
- thickbox default set to false for DPS carousels
- use add_thickbox
0.2.1 – 20/11/2013
- check boolean shortcode args properly
- introduce wp_bootstrap_carousel_dps_caption filter
- introduce wp_bootstrap_carousel_dps_the_excerpt filter
- introduce wp_bootstrap_carousel_dps_the_content filter
- fix some php notices
0.2.0 – 13/09/2013
- localization support
- update JS and CSS to Bootstrap 3.0.0
- introduce wrap parameter
- introduce controls parameter
- use data attributes, abandon script localization
- support shortcode_atts_{$shortcode} filter (wp 3.6)
- deprecate wp_bootstrap_carousel_extra_style filter
- deprecate wp_bootstrap_carousel_js_vars filter
- improve performance of display-posts-shortcode addon
- requires at least wp 3.4
0.1.1 – 13/11/2012
- Initial release 0.1.1