WP-Note 2019


Beautiful design of notes in posts. The plugin fully supports the old version of the WP-Note plugin from Luke.

Snimke zaslona

  • Wordpress Note in content
  • Buttons on the panel


  1. Extract the contents of the archive
  2. Upload the contents of the wp-note-2019 folder to your \’wp-content/plugins\’ folder
  3. Log in to your WordPress admin and got to the \’Plugins\’ section. You should now see WP-Note-2019 in the list of available plugins
  4. Activate the plugin by clicking the \’activate\’ link
  5. Now you add quicktags such as note, important, tip, warning, help in your post.


31. ožujka 2019.
The plugin is compatible with the old wp-note and works on php 7.2 Thank. Плагин совместим со старым wp-note и работает на php 7.2 Спасибо.
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“WP-Note 2019” je preveden na 1 jezik. Zahvala prevoditeljima za njihov doprinos.

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Dnevnik promjena


  • Tested up 5.9 version
  • Added buttons to the editor panel Classic Editor


  • Tested up 5.5 version
  • Remove file – css-test.html
  • Change css style – change right alignment, value = -6px


  • Bug fixed – Warning: call_user_func_array(). The error did not appear for all users.


  • Initial release.